Business Cash Management

Business Cash Management: Investments for Liquidity

Business cash management is essential to ensure your business is ready for growth and to mitigate risks. A good investment strategy makes provision for a percentage of the funds to be liquid for usage on short notice. That said, shorter-term investments don’t deliver the optimal returns of long-term, well-planned investments. The secret is to strike the right balance and invest wisely to ensure your portfolio includes investments for short notice use that also deliver superb returns. Read more

Holistic financial advice: The key to wealth, health and happiness

Financial Markets Just Plunged, What Must I Do With My Investments?

For the last few days financial markets around the world have taken a massive beating, and this has affected investment portfolios severely. Some investment gurus are calling it the end of a very long bull run while others are calling it a technical correction.

Volatility Creates Opportunities

Whilst global economic growth remains strong and global unemployment remains low, the markets fear that global central banks will raise interest rates too quickly resulting in a recession. Conversely, not raising interest rates enough might allow inflation to become entrenched.

Should I Stay Invested?

During 2022, market sentiment was negatively impacted by events such as the war in the Ukraine, Covid, higher inflation and interest rates. Global equities fell by 15% year to date ending May 2022. SA asset classes were more resilient due to higher commodity prices. Although growth assets such as equity and property underperformed during 2022, these asset classes are required to outperform money market funds over the long term as illustrated in the table below.

How global structures create wealth

Dr Francois Stofberg
Senior economist and head of sales: Efficient Private Clients


How do you create wealth? It’s not a new question and still it remains complex, even for people in the financial industry. As global investment specialists, we assist entrepreneurs in making better asset allocation decisions about their estates. Our job is to grow wealth and to protect it.

Creating wealth is another matter altogether. Our clients are the experts when it comes to creating wealth. They do this by combining seemingly unrelated elements in a way that produces value to enough people to cover the cost and effort of doing so. But research into some of the world’s most successful companies showed us that there is another way to create wealth ─ a way that most South African entrepreneurs are not applying.

According to the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, the global and gigantic company Amazon had a total pre-tax income of $78,6 billion between 2018 and 2021 in the USA. Although the corporate tax rate in the USA was around 21%, Amazon’s effective tax rate was only 5.1%. To a certain extent, tax credits helped them, but Amazon largely reduced its tax burden by using global structures to shift its profits to countries with more favourable tax regimes.

In South Africa, entrepreneurs use clever accounting techniques and black economic empowerment structures, they lend money to their enterprises or trusts, they load expenses, and they shift profits between companies ─ all to reduce their tax burden. The aim is of course to create wealth for their stakeholders, which is the primary mandate of a business. The consequence of creating value is that entrepreneurs end up creating the scarcest resource in the country, namely jobs. But local entrepreneurs have yet to make use of global structures in the way that entrepreneurs around the world are doing. Successful SA entrepreneurs can only avoid taxes for so long before their marginal tax rate approaches the top of SARS’s tables.

Nevertheless, the lessons from the likes of Amazon have stuck with us. What if South African entrepreneurs could also shift their tax burden to countries with a more tax-friendly environment? It seems that we were not the only ones who thought this would be a clever idea ─ even the South African Reserve Bank changed the policy on looping in 2021 to allow South Africans to own assets in South Africa from abroad. Now, despite all the difficulties that plague wealth creation in our country, entrepreneurs with the correct global structuring advice can continue to flourish and create the jobs we so desperately need.

Speak to the Efficient Global Investing* team today. Our credentials and results are clear and categorical.

*Efficient Global Investing is an Efficient Wealth initiative. Efficient Wealth, is an authorised financial services provider, FSP 655

Do not panic, buy the dip!

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Why You Need Succession Planning

Succession Planning: Why You Need It Now More than Ever

Succession planning refers to the practice of making provision for the day you need to step down from a leadership role. You’ll want your business to continue with strong leadership, ensuring income for you as well even when you’re no longer in the CEO seat. Read more

Early Investment Planning

Investment Planning: Benefits of Starting Early

The cost of living is increasing. The future is uncertain, and many times people don’t have a plan in place. It can be a costly mistake. Some try to prepare for the future with savings alone, but the return on savings accounts is often below the inflation rate. The bank costs alone can eat away at the savings. Regardless of whether you have saved up to now or have invested in stocks, you’ll benefit from financial advice and an early start when it comes to investment planning. Read more